Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Don't Even Wanna Talk About It...

My absence, that is. Ridiculous, I know. But, I'm back for now and that's all that matters, even if it did take me 5 minutes to figure out how to get to my blog.

So, I told you months ago, seriously, like 3 months ago, I would show pics of my owl-themed classroom! Well, here they are! They were taken on my iPhone, so I apologize for the quality. They aren't too bad though!

This is the view when you walk in the door. I LOVE how big my classroom is! It's a huge improvement from last year!

This is another view once you walk in the classroom a little ways.

Our calendar/math board (and ABC chart and pocket chart for phonics) and carpet area. Not sure why I can't get this picture to be centered. Aggravated.

A close up of the calendar and birthday chart. You can also see the little owls on the border!

Another close up. The paisley cutouts are the table helpers for each day.

Calendar board

Number chart

The inside of our classroom door

Word Wall

Classroom library

 Computer center and colors on the wall

This is what I'm using for my classroom management system this year. It works pretty well. If the kids move to yellow, they get to add a "jewel" to their clothespin, and they just love it!

I just love the cute owl signs that I used to label each center.

And, lastly, my new refrigerator! One day our night custodian asked if I wanted a little fridge for my room and I said "Of course!" I thought it was a steal at $10!

So, there's my classroom. I forgot to take a picture of their nameplates on the table and their cubbies. They both have cute little owls on them, too!

Ok, question. Does it take everyone else forever to upload pictures to put on your blog? Is it faster to upload them one at a time instead of all together? Also, I think blogger has changed since I last used it. I don't think I like it. It made everything more difficult. Maybe I just did it wrong...who knows!

I promise I am going to get better at this blogging thing. I have a lot to talk about!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Yay so proud of your for updating- the room is very cute! yes blogger has changed a lot! I usually upload like 3 pics at a time instead all at once = ) Love ya!
