Monday, December 24, 2012

That's Pintastic!

I don't know about you, but I am obsessed with Pinterest! I have many projects planned for the house! Today I am going to share some things that I have made.

We'll start with food:

I made this sweet potato casserole today to take to my parents' for Christmas Eve. It was SOOOOO GOOD! The 7 sticks of butter and 12 cups of sugar make it super healthy, too. The recipe claims to be similar to Ruth's Chris sweet potato recipe.

You can find the recipe here: sweet potato casserole

I also made this chocolate chip cookie dough fudge for some little Christmas gifts. It was not so good. It just tasted funny, and it was pretty gooey even after chilling it in the fridge for hours.

If for some reason, you want to try it, possibly to see if you can make it taste right, here is the recipe: chocolate chip cookie dough fudge

I made this to take to Thanksgiving with Kirby's family, and it was delicious! Very rich, but yummy! If I made it again I probably wouldn't pour the melted chocolate on top.

You can find the recipe here: Oreo brownies

I made this for a tailgate and for Whit's housewarming party. One word...YUM!

You can find the recipe here: Jalapeno Popper Dip

I've made several other delicious recipes that I've found on Pinterest, but we'll move on to some DIY craftiness.

I made these and put them on the mantle at our previous house. Our TV occupies our mantle at our new house, so right now they are homeless. The link on how to make them has disappeared. I will say it was a bit tedious with all of the taping and trying to make it perfect. Here is the Pinterest picture:

And here is mine:
Not perfect, but good enough for me!

I had some scrap wood left over from the previous project, so I turned it in to these cute little snowmen!  Of course mine aren't quite this cute.

I repainted this desk and chair and recovered the chair with the help of a link from The Pin.
(I had just started sanding it and remembered to take a pic)


I made these things for my classroom:

Ziploc bags and Duck Tape to display student work

An erasble to-do list...good bye zillions of post it notes!

File folders and Duck Tape to organize my important papers

Pinterest has seriously changed my life! I just love it! What Pinterest projects have you done that you love?


1 comment:

  1. Good post Nae!! I always wonder how all of those recipes (that I never get around to doing) will turn out! The desk is super cute!!
