Want some cuteness in your life? Watch this!
Let's talk about DIY projects. Today, the husband and I decided to tackle a project that we thought would be fairly easy. We wanted to make "floating shelves" for this little nook in the living room. We went to Lowe's, picked out a board, had them cut it in to 3 pieces, bought some bracket thingys, brought our supplies home, slapped a couple of coats of paint on the boards, and then it was time to hang them up. This is where it got tricky. After a few holes in the wall, we figured out it wasn't as easy as we'd hoped. Now we are just frustrated. The boards are too heavy, and it seems our house may or may not be very well constructed. It's impossible to find studs in the wall, even though the stud finder seems to think there's a stud about every 2 inches. You lie, stud finder!
After this failed attempt, we went back to Lowe's to find a different type of bracket. Of course, we had no luck. Looks like it's off to Home Depot now. Hopefully I'll have a success story soon with cute pictures of our "floating shelves."
"This isn't going to work."
What a mess
"We're gonna make this work!"
Today was not nearly as productive as I had hoped it would be. My hopes for today were to:
-Work in my classroom (dropped off some stuff I had picked up over the summer, but didn't get any work done...and I had a good reason for not getting any work done, tell ya about it later)
-Hang shelves (nope)
-Finally open joint bank account with the hubs (check!)
Also, pray for Kirby and his family. His grandfather passed away this evening after being diagnosed with cancer a couple of weeks ago. :(
I'll be back tomorrow with a better attitude, I promise! (Not sure if I'm promising that I'll be back tomorrow, or, if I will have a better attitude...hopefully both!)